Pre-exercise warm-up can not turn his neck

02/05/2013 09:57



Each cervical spine adjacent to the upper and lower cone joint is formed, i.e. formed by the disc connection of the joints and the joints on both sides of the convex joint. Only 15 cm long cervical contains 21 joints, the physiological characteristics of the decision of the cervical spine have a greater activity, but also easily sprain. 15 cm neck joint, air max 90  joint problems will bring great discomfort to the entire neck.
 7 cones each have their own features. The first and second of the cervical spine is to control the rotation around the head. When all the joints are overlapped, head bent backwards, relax point forward. The physical structure of the head is not suitable for torsion, because the neck of the rotation will produce unnatural pressure, with the passage of time will lead to early degradation, cone joint stiffness, neck sprain, and even produce disc germination.
 Recommendation: In the warm-up phase, air max 95 running shoes we head only need 3 interface activities before and after the bending, lateral bending, left and right rotation, try not to any two interfaces superimposed in motion. Moreover, each warm-up neck is unnecessary; it will only increase the chances of joint damage.